Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Just A dream

Just a Dreamt

For the past few days, I have always watched news about war that happened to our brothers on TV. I feel so hurt to see many innocent dead people, and a lot of people lost their family. I wonder, oh God… what’s happening to this world? But there is nothing I could do but to pray for their safety.
On one night when I was sleeping, I dreamt about being in Palestine, in Gaza city. “Dhum… Dhum…!” the bomb exploded with a loud of noise. Many homes were destroyed and nothing remained, only thousands of dead bodies left.
“Sa’adna! Sa’adna!”
I walked along the street. My chest was choked, my heart was broken. Sad and grieve over the things that happened around me.
            “Ugh..!” I fell down. I saw the worried and so sad looking citizens were looking for their families while waiting for the helpers and rescue coming. In another side, I saw a wild dog digging something and went away bringing dead body pieces like a trash in garbage bin. Like before, they were looking for some food there. Then suddenly the bombs fell down like rain.
            “Astagfirullah hal’adzim!”
            I heard the citizens were praying. Their praying is like a scream that hurt your heart.
            “Laa haula walaa quwwata illa billah!”
            “Idzhab! Idzhab!”
            “Ajry! Ajry! Kullu ajry!” I scream on top of my lung. “Idzhab! Kullu idzhab! Ajry!
            I scream and kept screaming with all of my power. And I run, kept running to find some place I could hide.
            “Dhum..! Dhum..!”
            I scream for help. But no one paid any attention to me and all of them were running for their lives without paying any attention to anything around them. I couldn’t run no more. My body was numb. I could feel my body fall down and bled. Fortunately, I woke up from my sleep. Alhamdulilah, that was only a dream. I’m still alive. Allah still give me peace in my life here in my beloved country Indonesia.

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